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Sunday Improv

Lughnasa - We Have A Problem (Belfast) & Disco Division (Belfast)

8 November 2020

Sunday Improv Special

Wittypedia (Idaho, USA) & Disco Division (Belfast)

25 October 2020

Sunday Improv (Mini Special)

Wittypedia (Idaho, USA)

25 October 2020

Due to the clocks going back our US cousins got confused as to the start time of the show (it’s our fault for not telling them), so as a treat, here is the show they streamed to no audience before they realised what had happened.

Sunday Improv

Rum DMC (Belfast) & Fantasma (Belfast)

11 October 2020

Sunday Improv

Big Slip (Belfast)

27 September 2020

Sunday Improv

Fantasma (Belfast) & Rum DMC (Belfast)

13 September 2020

Sunday Improv

The Jess’s’s’s (Dublin) & Big Slip (Belfast)

6 September 2020

Sunday Improv

15 March 2020