Atv channel two

Members Only :)


Next Event

Figure This | Coming Soon | 7pm

Virtual Audience

The Main Show will be above but our event’s also have a Virtual Audience option for a more social experience and where you can join others watching the show.

Zoom Virtual Audience will be available from 6:30pm.

Zoom Audience Requests

Welcome to the Virtual Audience for this show hosted by Accidental Theatre on Zoom. This is an ongoing exploration into how to connect people better through our Virtual Venue programme. We ask that all attendees:

  • Have video turned on

  • Leave yourself muted until you want to talk (Zoom has a handy tool, that when you are muted just hold the space bar to unmute)

  • Use your real name in: Zoom, chat or Q&A.

Feel free to ask questions and show-off work, and we’d love to hear what you thought of the experience at the end.You can join the Virtual Audience from the same device as you are watching the show or from another device if you prefer.

We hope you enjoy the show!

Any questions please call Accidental on: 028 9032 5881 or email