Ongoing Call for Volunteer Board Members at Accidental Theatre

Deadline: On Going

Accidental is an in-person and online venue and media creation charity. We continue to strive to protect artists livelihoods, and through digital industry advancements we are now able to support local artists reach national and international audiences. 

Located in one of the most diverse neighbourhoods in Belfast, we have always been a refuge and home to everyone and always excited to support our diverse community bring artistic and cultural work to our venue. 

The Board at Accidental are looking for new members to join the team, initially on an interim basis. Expressions of interest by applicants from any professional background will be considered, but we particularly welcome those from with skills and experience in: strategic planning, finance & accounting, business development, marketing & PR or fundraising. We're looking for people who have a passion for the arts, and who will drive the organisation forward in light of the difficult economic climate. Most importantly someone who will embrace Accidental’s contemporary ambition to walk the tightrope between the unexpected and the impossible. We're open to a diverse range of skills and will value the personal and professional experience you may have to offer.

The new board members will be required to attend at least four, two hour board meetings per year, held in Belfast city centre, and to act as an ambassador and champion for the company by supporting Accidental events and initiatives. Beyond this the time that you give can be as little or as much as you like. 

In order to apply for this position please email your CV to as well as addressing the following questions:

  1. What interests you about joining Accidental’s board of directors? (max 300 words)

  2. What skills and experience would you bring to the role? (max 300 words)

  3. What would you hope to get out of your time on the board? (max 300 words)

  4. What’s your favourite piece of art (broadly defined, music gig, theatre show, comedy evening) of all time?

Thank you for taking your time to apply and we look forward to hearing from you.

Accidental Board of Directors